Regardless of which side you stand on, there's no denying that pornography has become readily accessible due to the internet and modern technology. Unfortunately, this means it's now easier than ever for minors to access explicit material without parental controls in place. Furthermore, porn addiction is real and can have serious consequences such as depression and social isolation.
Nevertheless, some argue that we should take a more nuanced view when discussing pornography; rather than simply condemning or condoning it outright, we must recognize its potential both as entertainment and education tool. Pornography could be used as an opportunity for couples to learn about different sexual techniques safely—or even just for adults who are curious about different forms of sexual expression but don't know where else to turn. In addition, research suggests pornographic materials may reduce levels of sexual violence by providing people with alternative outlets for satisfying their desires while also promoting acceptance of consensual sex between adults.
Ultimately, the debate over pornography isn't likely to be resolved anytime soon—and it likely won't have a single 'right' answer either way. For every individual who finds porn empowering or educational there will likely be someone else who thinks quite differently about it altogether; thus making it difficult to reach any kind of consensus on the matter. However what we can do is ensure that young people are educated on how best to use such materials responsibly should they choose to indulge in them at all—and ultimately make well-informed decisions regarding their own consumption habits going forwards.