Disable Comments: How to Disable Comments on YouTube

Disable Comments: How to Disable Comments on YouTube

In today's digital era, YouTube has emerged as a significant platform for sharing and viewing videos. While the comment section allows users to express their views, it can sometimes include criticism or unwarranted remarks that can be unpleasant for the video creator. Consequently, many creators may want to know how to disable comments on YouTube.

YouTube provides an option to disable comments on your videos if you wish. You might wonder why one would want to do this. Well, there could be several reasons; some people prefer not to have comments on their videos because they might receive abuse or spam messages, while others simply do not wish to manage them.

Let's delve into the steps required to disable comments on YouTube.

1) Log in: The first step is logging into your YouTube account using your Google credentials.

2) Your Channel: After logging in successfully, click on "Your Channel" which is located in the top right corner of the page under your profile picture.

3) YouTube Studio: In your channel dashboard, there will be an option called "YouTube Studio." Clicking this will take you directly to a new window where you manage all aspects of your channel.

4) Settings: Within Youtube Studio, locate and click on 'Settings' located at the bottom left side of the screen.

5) Community: Under settings, there are various options available including General, Channel & Advanced Settings etc., but we need to select 'Community.'

6) Defaults: Once inside 'Community,' navigate towards 'Defaults.' This tab lets you control default settings for all future uploads onto your channel.

7) Disable Comments Option: Here you'll find two options - "Allow all comments" and "Disable Comments." By selecting “Disable Comments,” no viewer will be able to post any comment under any of your future videos.

8) Save changes: Don’t forget! After making these changes make sure you save them by clicking ‘Save.’

Remember, these steps will disable comments for all future uploads. If you wish to disable comments on individual videos that have already been uploaded, you can do so through the details page of each video in YouTube Studio.

While disabling comments might seem like a drastic step, it can sometimes be necessary for preserving mental health or maintaining a certain atmosphere on your channel. It's essential to remember that while positive feedback and constructive criticism can help improve your content and engage with your audience, unnecessary negative remarks are not something you need to tolerate.

In summary, YouTube provides options to control your engagement with the viewers according to your preferences. While opinions differ regarding whether disabling comments is a good practice or not, the ultimate decision lies in the hands of the creator.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can disable comments by going to the YouTube Studio, selecting the video you want to manage, clicking on settings, then select advanced settings and choose “Disable comments.” Remember, changes will save automatically.
Yes, you can. To do this go to YouTube Studio, click on Settings -> Channel -> Advanced settings -> Upload defaults. Choose Comments and ratings and set comments visibility as per your preference.
Disabling comments is not permanent. You can enable them back anytime by following the same steps used to disable them but instead of choosing disable, you would select allow all.
Yes. In the YouTube Studio dashboard under Settings > Community > Blocked Words. Add any words that you want blocked from appearing in the comment section. Any comment containing these words will be held for review before theyre made public.