Customizable whitelists

Customizable whitelists

Customizable whitelists are a powerful tool for ensuring security and safety online. They allow users to create lists of websites, applications, and other types of content that they would like to be allowed access to. This makes it easier for users to manage their own personal privacy settings, as well as protect themselves from malicious or inappropriate content. With customizable whitelists, users can customize exactly which websites they want to access and which ones they don't. This gives them more control over their content experience while also protecting them from potentially harmful activity. Additionally, customizable whitelists also help organizations ensure that only approved sites and applications are accessed on their networks, thus providing an extra layer of security against cyber threats. As such, customizable whitelists are becoming increasingly popular among both individuals and businesses alike in order to safeguard against potential threats online.

Access restriction rules

Frequently Asked Questions

A customizable whitelist is a list of websites or social media accounts that are approved for viewing and cannot be blocked by the social media blocker app.
You can create a custom whitelist by selecting the websites or social media accounts you want to approve and add them to your list in the settings of the app.
Once you add an account or website to your whitelist, it will no longer be blocked by the app and will be accessible for viewing.
Yes, you can edit your custom whitelist at any time through the settings of the app.
The number of websites/accounts you can add depends on your subscription plan, so it is best to check with your provider for more information about this limit.